About This File
Многие наверное сталкивались с ситуацией когда вражеский НПС или ваш напарник не могли достать оружие? Тогда вы по адресу.
Переписанный скрипт Dual Sheath Redux для исправления циклов скрипта. Скрипт был серьезно видоизменен в логическом отношении. Скрипт больше не будет вылопнять не требуемые действия, тем самым не вызывая зацикливаний у НПС.
Перед установкой нужно на старой версии мода: избавится от всех напарников и зайти в дом где никого нет, сохраниться.
Для установки требуется иметь оригинальный DSR мод с удаленными файлами в папке Data\scripts:
- dualsheathreduxapplyeffect.pex
- dualsheathreduxeffect.pex
- dualsheathreduxplayerscript.pex
- dualsheathreduxquest.pex
Распаковать с заменой, пересоздать патч. Если есть какие-то трудности то пересохраниться с отключением DSR.
;/ Decompiled by Champollion V1.0.1 Source : dualsheathreduxeffect.psc Modified : 2017-02-21 09:57:30 Compiled : 2017-02-21 09:57:36 User : Mitradis Computer : PC1 /; scriptName dualsheathreduxeffect extends activeMagicEffect ;-- Properties -------------------------------------- spell property DualSheathReduxAbility auto form[] property Lists auto actor property PlayerRef auto ;-- Variables --------------------------------------- FormList BaseStaffList FormList BackShieldList FormList LeftWeaponList Bool BlockState = false FormList LeftSheathList FormList BackShieldListClk FormList RightStaffList Armor LeftSheath actor ThisActor Armor RightWeapon FormList BaseShieldList Int IndexInList = -1 FormList BaseWeaponList Bool IsPlayer = false FormList LeftStaffList Weapon LeftBase Armor LeftWeapon Armor ShieldOnBack Weapon RightBase Armor ShieldBase ;-- Functions --------------------------------------- function EquipItemFunction(Armor Type) if Type != none ThisActor.EquipItem(Type as form, false, true) endIf endFunction function RightWeaponFunction() if ThisActor.IsWeaponDrawn() self.UnEquipItemFunction(RightWeapon) elseIf ThisActor.GetWornForm(16384) as Armor != RightWeapon as Armor self.RemoveItemFunction(ThisActor.GetWornForm(16384) as Armor) self.EquipItemFunction(RightWeapon) endIf endFunction function ShieldOnBackFunction() if ThisActor.IsWeaponDrawn() self.UnEquipItemFunction(ShieldOnBack) elseIf ThisActor.GetWornForm(1073741824) as Armor != ShieldOnBack as Armor self.RemoveItemFunction(ThisActor.GetWornForm(1073741824) as Armor) self.EquipItemFunction(ShieldOnBack) endIf endFunction function DestroyLeftWeapon() self.RemoveItemFunction(LeftSheath) LeftSheath = none self.RemoveItemFunction(LeftWeapon) LeftWeapon = none LeftBase = none endFunction function RefreshState() utility.WaitMenuMode(0.250000) if ThisActor.GetEquippedWeapon(false) if ThisActor.GetEquippedItemType(1) == 5 || ThisActor.GetEquippedItemType(1) == 6 || ThisActor.GetEquippedItemType(1) == 7 || ThisActor.GetEquippedItemType(1) == 9 || ThisActor.GetEquippedItemType(1) == 12 self.DestroyRightWeapon() self.DestroyLeftWeapon() self.DestroyShield() elseIf ThisActor.GetEquippedItemType(1) == 8 if ThisActor.GetEquippedWeapon(false) == RightBase as Weapon self.RightWeaponFunction() else self.DestroyRightWeapon() IndexInList = -1 IndexInList = BaseStaffList.Find(ThisActor.GetEquippedWeapon(false) as form) if IndexInList != -1 RightBase = ThisActor.GetEquippedWeapon(false) RightWeapon = RightStaffList.GetAt(IndexInList) as Armor self.RightWeaponFunction() endIf endIf else self.DestroyRightWeapon() endIf else self.DestroyRightWeapon() endIf if ThisActor.GetEquippedWeapon(true) if ThisActor.GetEquippedItemType(0) == 1 || ThisActor.GetEquippedItemType(0) == 2 || ThisActor.GetEquippedItemType(0) == 3 || ThisActor.GetEquippedItemType(0) == 4 if ThisActor.GetEquippedWeapon(true) == LeftBase as Weapon self.LeftWeaponFunction(false) else self.DestroyLeftWeapon() self.DestroyShield() IndexInList = -1 IndexInList = BaseWeaponList.Find(ThisActor.GetEquippedWeapon(true) as form) if IndexInList != -1 LeftBase = ThisActor.GetEquippedWeapon(true) LeftWeapon = LeftWeaponList.GetAt(IndexInList) as Armor LeftSheath = LeftSheathList.GetAt(IndexInList) as Armor self.LeftWeaponFunction(false) endIf endIf elseIf ThisActor.GetEquippedItemType(0) == 8 if ThisActor.GetEquippedWeapon(true) == LeftBase as Weapon self.LeftWeaponFunction(true) else self.DestroyLeftWeapon() self.DestroyShield() IndexInList = -1 IndexInList = BaseStaffList.Find(ThisActor.GetEquippedWeapon(true) as form) if IndexInList != -1 LeftBase = ThisActor.GetEquippedWeapon(true) LeftWeapon = LeftStaffList.GetAt(IndexInList) as Armor LeftSheath = none self.LeftWeaponFunction(true) endIf endIf else self.DestroyLeftWeapon() endIf else self.DestroyLeftWeapon() endIf if ThisActor.GetEquippedItemType(0) == 10 if ThisActor.GetEquippedObject(0) as Armor == ShieldBase as Armor self.ShieldOnBackFunction() else self.DestroyLeftWeapon() self.DestroyShield() IndexInList = -1 IndexInList = BaseShieldList.Find(ThisActor.GetEquippedObject(0)) if IndexInList != -1 ShieldBase = ThisActor.GetEquippedObject(0) as Armor if ThisActor.GetWornForm(65536) as Armor ShieldOnBack = BackShieldListClk.GetAt(IndexInList) as Armor else ShieldOnBack = BackShieldList.GetAt(IndexInList) as Armor endIf self.ShieldOnBackFunction() endIf endIf elseIf IsPlayer self.DestroyShield() elseIf ThisActor.GetWornForm(1073741824) as Armor != ShieldOnBack as Armor self.DestroyShield() endIf endFunction function RemoveItemFunction(Armor Type) if Type != none ThisActor.RemoveItem(Type as form, 50, true, none) endIf endFunction function OnEffectStart(actor akTarget, actor akCaster) if akTarget == none self.Dispel() return else ThisActor = akTarget if ThisActor == PlayerRef IsPlayer = true if Lists[0].GetFormID() == 0 debug.MessageBox("DSR:\nDual Sheath Redux Patch не найден.") endIf endIf BaseWeaponList = Lists[0] as FormList LeftWeaponList = Lists[1] as FormList LeftSheathList = Lists[2] as FormList BaseStaffList = Lists[3] as FormList RightStaffList = Lists[4] as FormList LeftStaffList = Lists[5] as FormList BaseShieldList = Lists[6] as FormList if IsPlayer BackShieldList = Lists[7] as FormList BackShieldListClk = Lists[9] as FormList else BackShieldList = Lists[8] as FormList BackShieldListClk = Lists[10] as FormList endIf utility.WaitMenuMode(0.250000) self.GotoState("Alive") endIf endFunction function UnEquipItemFunction(Armor Type) if Type != none ThisActor.UnEquipItem(Type as form, false, true) endIf endFunction function OnEffectFinish(actor akTarget, actor akCaster) BlockState = true self.DestroyRightWeapon() self.DestroyLeftWeapon() if !IsPlayer self.EquipItemFunction(ShieldBase) endIf self.DestroyShield() utility.WaitMenuMode(0.500000) BlockState = false endFunction ; Skipped compiler generated GetState function DestroyRightWeapon() self.RemoveItemFunction(RightWeapon) RightWeapon = none RightBase = none endFunction ; Skipped compiler generated GotoState function LeftWeaponFunction(Bool Staff) if ThisActor.IsWeaponDrawn() if !Staff if ThisActor.GetWornForm(1073741824) as Armor != LeftSheath as Armor self.RemoveItemFunction(ThisActor.GetWornForm(1073741824) as Armor) self.EquipItemFunction(LeftSheath) endIf endIf self.UnEquipItemFunction(LeftWeapon) else if ThisActor.GetWornForm(1073741824) as Armor != LeftWeapon as Armor self.RemoveItemFunction(ThisActor.GetWornForm(1073741824) as Armor) self.EquipItemFunction(LeftWeapon) endIf if !Staff self.UnEquipItemFunction(LeftSheath) endIf endIf endFunction function DestroyShield() self.RemoveItemFunction(ShieldOnBack) ShieldOnBack = none ShieldBase = none endFunction ;-- State ------------------------------------------- state Dead endState ;-- State ------------------------------------------- state Alive function OnDying(actor akKiller) BlockState = true self.DestroyRightWeapon() self.DestroyLeftWeapon() self.DestroyShield() utility.WaitMenuMode(0.500000) BlockState = false self.GotoState("Dead") endFunction function OnObjectUnequipped(form akBaseObject, objectreference akReference) if !BlockState && akBaseObject != none && akBaseObject != ShieldOnBack as form && akBaseObject != RightWeapon as form && akBaseObject != LeftWeapon as form && akBaseObject != LeftSheath as form self.RefreshState() endIf endFunction function OnRaceSwitchComplete() BlockState = true self.Dispel() utility.WaitMenuMode(0.500000) BlockState = false ThisActor.Addspell(DualSheathReduxAbility, false) endFunction function OnItemRemoved(form akBaseItem, Int aiItemCount, objectreference akItemReference, objectreference akDestContainer) if !BlockState if akBaseItem == RightBase as form if ThisActor.GetItemCount(RightBase as form) == 0 self.DestroyRightWeapon() endIf endIf if akBaseItem == LeftBase as form if ThisActor.GetItemCount(LeftBase as form) == 0 self.DestroyLeftWeapon() endIf endIf if akBaseItem == ShieldBase as form if ThisActor.GetItemCount(ShieldBase as form) == 0 self.DestroyShield() endIf endIf endIf endFunction function onBeginState() BlockState = true self.RegisterForAnimationEvent(ThisActor as objectreference, "WeaponDraw") self.RegisterForAnimationEvent(ThisActor as objectreference, "WeaponSheathe") self.RefreshState() utility.WaitMenuMode(0.250000) BlockState = false endFunction function OnAnimationEvent(objectreference akSource, String asEventName) if !BlockState if asEventName == "WeaponDraw" BlockState = true if ShieldOnBack as form self.UnEquipItemFunction(ShieldOnBack) endIf if RightWeapon as form self.UnEquipItemFunction(RightWeapon) endIf if LeftWeapon as form self.UnEquipItemFunction(LeftWeapon) endIf if LeftSheath as form self.EquipItemFunction(LeftSheath) endIf elseIf asEventName == "WeaponSheathe" BlockState = true if ShieldOnBack != none self.EquipItemFunction(ShieldOnBack) endIf if RightWeapon as form self.EquipItemFunction(RightWeapon) endIf if LeftWeapon as form self.EquipItemFunction(LeftWeapon) endIf if LeftSheath as form self.UnEquipItemFunction(LeftSheath) endIf endIf if BlockState utility.WaitMenuMode(0.250000) BlockState = false endIf endIf endFunction function OnObjectEquipped(form akBaseObject, objectreference akReference) if !BlockState && akBaseObject != none && akBaseObject != ShieldBase as form && akBaseObject != ShieldOnBack as form && akBaseObject != RightWeapon as form && akBaseObject != LeftWeapon as form && akBaseObject != LeftSheath as form self.RefreshState() endIf endFunction endState
What's New in Version 1.0.1 See changelog
Добавлен блок функций, удаление "потерянных" псевдо оружия и щита, общее улучшение. Окончательная версия.
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